BNI is about many things, including: a word-of-mouth Plan, Referrals, Teamwork, a networking System, Experience, Opportunity, Professionalism, Knowledge, Resources, Reliability, Relationships, and Results.
“All of these things make up the fabric and culture of this organization” says Dr. Misner. Last year, members of BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL. (BNI) passed thousands of referrals which generated millions of dollars worth of business for each other!
BNI is a business and professional networking organization that allows only one person per professional classification or specialty to join a chapter.
If referrals are an important part of your business then you need to contact us today!
Increased exposure to many other people and businesses.
Substantially increased business through referrals.
Tools to network more effectively, including an orientation cassette tape giving the “Formula for Success” in BNI, a badge, a vinyl card holder to carry members’ business cards, referral slips, marketing materials for your chapter and much, much more.
Participation in up to 52 networking meetings per year.
Bi-monthly newsletters with educational material on networking, public speaking, and business.
Participation in business trade shows (where you’ll have an opportunity to market your chapter and your business).
Free periodic workshops on networking.
For more information please visit the corporate website
President: Calvin Hunter
Phone: (207) 240-3802
Directions to meeting: Click Here
Preregister to Visit: Click Here
BNI Application: Click Here